Fund prices

To work out the value of your investment access the fund value calculator.

Details of our fund prices as at close 5th February 2025 are as follows. 

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* If you took out a Growth & Security Bond within either of the terms stated by Series 1 then this is the unit price that applies to your policy. If your Growth & Security Bond was taken out in the period stated by Series 2 then this is the unit price that applies to your policy. Likewise if you have taken out the policy within the term stated beside Series 3 then those are the prices relevant to you.

**This fund applies to your policy if you have invested in a Bonus ISA.

†These funds are the 2 options under the Stocks and Shares ISA. You may have split your investment or invested solely in one of them.

Bid Price - also called selling or redemption price. It is the price at which units are sold back by investors.

Offer Price - also called buying price or issue price. It is the price at which units are bought by investors.

The prices shown are the most recent prices for each of the funds. Scottish Friendly has chosen to work on a forward pricing basis. This means that if you wish to buy or sell shares, the price you will receive is determined at the next valuation point of the fund.

Please note that the value of your investment can go down as well as up, you may not get back the amount you originally invested and you could get back less than you invested.