Latest investment information

Find the latest information on your investments, whether it's our latest fund prices, fund asset mixes, reports and more.

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Fund prices

See our latest fund prices and use our fund value calculator that lets you see an illustrative value for the funds you hold.

With-Profits funds

Information about the asset mix and investment returns of our With-Profits funds.

Flexible Income Annuity (FIA) funds

Find out more about the options available to customers who used to be part of Canada Life.

Canada Life fund prices

Latest details of our Canada Life fund prices.

ISA and OEIC investors

If you invest in one of our Investment (Stocks & Shares) ISAs, then this information may apply to your investments:

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Latest updates and documents

Access the latest updates and product documentation for your investments and find out how to make additional investments here.

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Risk graded funds asset mix

Find out what our Lower, Medium and Higher funds invest in.

how we operate

Fund charges and costs

See the fund charges and costs of our UK Growth Fund and Managed Growth Fund.

Our Principles and Practices of Financial Management

Our Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM) explain how we manage our With-Profits funds across each of our product types, including for business acquired by Scottish Friendly, and ensure that customers are treated fairly.

Scottish Friendly Governance Advisory Arrangement

The Governance Advisory Arrangement (GAA) works solely in the interests of customers who have a workplace personal pension and is independent of Scottish Friendly.