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SF Guaranteed Cash Fund

Fund information

Fund name and summary Grading Benefits Things to think about

Guaranteed Cash fund

A short-term investment fund designed to provide the security of knowing that your investment value will not fall from day to day. The fund is not designed as a long-term shelter for your money but as a temporary home should you wish to reduce your risk to the lowest possible choice available from Scottish Friendly.

The fund invests in a deposit or range of deposits selected by Scottish Friendly and the value is further guaranteed by Scottish Friendly not to fall, no matter what happens to interest rates or the underlying deposits.

Low expected risk and return

A guarantee from Scottish Friendly that the amount you invest in the fund will not fall over any period of time.

A short term home for your money if you wish to remove risk from your investment during periods of market instability or whilst you select an appropriate fund(s) to invest in.

The growth potential on the fund is likely to be small due to the effect of charges and the low risk profile of the fund.

The fund is not a suitable long-term investment due to its low growth rate potential.

Charge information

The SF Guaranteed Cash Fund has a charge of 1.5% per annum, however the fund has a guarantee to ensure you get back no less than what you pay in. Since returns on cash investments are currently low (and below 1.5% per annum), in practice this means the charge is effectively 0%.


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